ECS ENI Trunking
When a task is started, the Amazon ECS container agent creates an additional pause container for each task before starting the containers in the task definition. It then configures the network namespace of the pause container by running the amazon-ecs-cni-plugins CNI plugins. The agent then starts the rest of the containers in the task so that they share the network stack of the pause container. This means that all containers in a task are addressable by the IP addresses of the ENI, and they can communicate with each other over the localhost interface.
EC2 interfaces
- SSM/SSH onto the instance
- view network interfaces -
ip addr
orifconfig -a
, we can see (in the above example):enp39s0
Primary ENIenp40s0
Trunk ENI (search in AWS console by ENI IP)
Docker containers
We cannot see any branch ENI. Let’s inspect docker containers.
- view docker networks
docker network ls
- inspect each network
docker network inspect bridge
- no containers, maps todocker0
network interfacedocker network inspect host
containerdocker network inspect none
pause container
What is the network for task-xyz
- list containers
docker ps
and select one of the task containersdocker inspect task-xyz-a
- we can see
pointing to pause container. - also
points to branch ENI we were looking for!
We can see that task containers use container network
of ecs-<task-definition>-internalpause-<hash>
container. But these pause containers use network none. Let’s have
a look at traffic on trunk interface:
tcpdump -i enp40s0 -ven
(-v verbose, -e print link level header, -n do not resolve IP)- we can see on link level line
ethertype 802.1Q (0x8100)
- trunk ENI is using vxlan - we can also see traffic is forwarded to branch ENIs
- we can see on link level line
AWS console
There is currently no way to find branch ENIs attached to trunk without connecting to EC2 instance. Even though there
is a cli command
aws ec2 describe-trunk-interface-associations
it is in ‘preview’ since and is not available for customers to use
(you get User <accoun-number> is not permitted to perform this operation
) Even if you use admin user, or have explicit
IAM permissions for this operation.